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Practice listening and vocabulary on voicetube

October 28, 2013

In our previous class, we watched the CNN student news Oct. 21st and did some exercise about it. In order to better understand the content, please visit the following website, voicetube. You may first register with your facebook account, or create a new account. Then find the video of CNN student news Oct. 21st. While listening to it, click on any word or phrase that you don’t know. After that, you could take the word quizzes to enhance your memorization of the words and phrases that interest you.

螢幕快照 2013-10-29 上午11.01.06

Class handout:

CNN_Oct.21, 2013 ( students’ )

Full transcript:

In the next class, you will be divided into groups of six. Each group will be assigned a news article from Oct.21. The following are the tasks each group is required to do next time, so you may as well do some preparation beforehand.

1. Come up with a title for the appointed news article.

2. Pick at least one representative to read out the news article along with the “title.”

3. Pick at least one representative to retell the news article that is listed in the handout. / You could also act it out.

4. The rest of the group members have to either comment on the news or answer the comprehension question on  the handout.

5. Record it with a cell phone or digital camera, upload it to youtube and post your link to Edmodo.

Class, you are free to write down your feedback or suggestions for this class. I will surely make some adjustments to improve it. Thank you and enjoy your learning.

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